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15% aller Flaschengewinne gehen an Elefantenschutzprojekte in Afrika . Ab €34,90 liefern wir versandkostenfrei.


Elephant Blog

Elephant Gin bottles that carry the name “Mandleve” are truly special – they are named after the greatest tusker of the Kruger National Park. Mandleve was given his name by the Tsonga word for “Ears” as a result of the noticeable tear in his left ear. His tusks are the heaviest ever recorded at the KNP:

Left tusk: length: 236,3cm and weight: 69 kg
Right tusk: length: 233,3cm and weight: 73.5 kg

Mandleve was generally found in the Skukuzua area – south west of the KNP, but also roamed around the Sabi Sabi, a private adjoining reserve. He was generally quite relaxed and tolerated a close proximity of tourists, which is why there are a good number of photos of him available. He died of old age in September 1993 at approximately 56 years of age next to the Sabi river.

Photo copyright: Darryl Balfour