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15% aller Flaschengewinne gehen an Elefantenschutzprojekte in Afrika . Ab €34,90 liefern wir versandkostenfrei.


Elephant Blog

Snap is a nearly full-grown elephant bull living in the Associated Private Nature Reserve (APNR) in South Africa. The APNR has a size of 1800km2 and is adjacent to the Kruger National Park (KNP).

In June 1993 the fences between the two parks were removed so that the elephants could move freely and, depending on the season, search for food and water out of their home ranges.

Snap is most of the time on his own but has been seen a couple of times with a bunch of full-grown elephant bulls like Caughley, Lain, Soshangane and Vee, as their home ranges overlap.