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A tribute to Digs Pascoe

A tribute to Digs Pascoe

Digs Pascoe (CEO of Space for Elephants Foundation) was a true conservation icon.

The brains of a businessman.
The heart of an activist.
Forever a true adventurer.
An indefinite admirer and protector of nature.

Remarkably generous and always of positive nature, he touched the lives of countless – humans and animals – continuously fighting battles for equality, freedom and harmony.

He changed my own life in the course of a night at a campfire in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, back in 2011. He spoke volumes about his love for elephants and the desperate need to protect them. Never will I meet a person with the same passion and sense of urgency.

Spell-bound, I left the camp site a different person and determined to find a way to help preserve the African elephant for the next generations.

As Digs passed away last week, we at Elephant Gin are deeply saddened, but are focussed on celebrating his life and committed to help continuing his legacy of wildlife conservation.

Tessa Gerlach – co-founder of Elephant Gin