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BAOBAB – the wonderfruit from Malawi

BAOBAB – the wonderfruit from Malawi
Baobab was long considered Africa’s best-kept secret – until recently. It is now labelled a superfood and sold in pharmacies and health stores all over the globe.
The benefits of Baobab are plentiful from improving the immune system to a healthy nervous system. The reason? It contains three times the Vitamin C amount of one orange!
Baobab is also one of Elephant Gin’s favorite botanicals – in all honesty, less chosen for its health benefits – but mostly for its sharp citrus qualities that defines the taste of the gin.
Elephants are a huge fan of baobab as well: they swallow the whole fruit and eat the bark of the tree during dry season to obtain moisture from the trunk’s reserves.
All too many reasons to love this ‘superfruit’!