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15% aller Flaschengewinne gehen an Elefantenschutzprojekte in Afrika . Ab €34,90 liefern wir versandkostenfrei.

The Wildlife Spirit turned 1 years old!

The Wildlife Spirit turned 1 years old!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our education centre in South Africa!

After 12 months, we are proud to say that with combined efforts of Elephant Gin and Space for Elephants Foundation, we have managed to start making an impact to the human and animal lives around us.

From the creation of new jobs in the area affected by poverty and unemployment to education of local and international visitors of all ages on the importance of wildlife and elephants, the Wildlife Spirit has helped the community that depends on the environment around them to thrive.

The Wildlife Spirit is not just an informational centre for locals or elephant aficionados; it also offers a range of unique activities for people looking to experience local traditions by themselves. Elephant tours, botanical garden visits and elephant dung paper making (yes, dung) are only some of the things you can do here. We’ve also recently started our own paper trash collection and recycling challenge (we’re making bricks!) and production of seasonal cards with seeds you can plant after reading the card.

The Wildlife Spirit seeks to continue the project that Digs Pascoe devoted his life to – protecting the lives and wellbeing of elephants. The CEO of Space For Elephants passed away last year, leaving an enormous legacy and inspiration behind – something that inspired founders Tessa and Robin to start Elephant Gin in the first place.